Features and Commentaries

Poster Presentations Conference


  • Editorial Team JDBSC



Poster Presentation 1: Javier Romero
Touching Conversations: Using tactile communication to foster social inclusion and encourage social interaction between members of the deafblind community who use different methods of communication.

Poster Presentation 2: Caroline Lindström
Language Acquisition in a Bodily-Tactile Modality: A Thesis Proposal.

Poster Presentation 3: Lenka Hricová
Use the Rhythm! Rhythm Assessment and Support in Communication with Persons with Congenital Deafblindness.

Poster Presentation 4: Ilse van Zadelhoff
The Encounter with a Hot Lamp: How a Child with Congenital Deafblindness Makes Sense of the World He Lives in.

Poster Presentation 5: Emma Kulombe
An Investigation of the Effect of Social Interaction on Children with Congenital Deafblindness in the Home and School Environment.

Poster Presentation 6: Mijkje Worm
Revealing Communicative Engagement of a Persons with Congenital Deafblindness in Narrative and Multiparty Converational Practices.








Features and Commentaries