About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Deafblind Studies on Communication is interested in contributions which are related to theories about communication, language and thinking. The journal invites contributions from the fields such as: education, pedagogics, psychology, linguistics, semiotics, philosophy and social anthropology.
The aim of this journal is to share knowledge that informs about the frontline development in the field of deafblindness and communication.

Peer Review Process

The Journal of Deafblind Studies on Communication adheres to a blind peer review process. Manuscripts are refereed anonymously using reviewers from our editorial advisory board and an external board of reviewers, whose expertise covers a wide range of disciplines. In order to ensure an appropriate review, author name(s) should not appear anywhere on the manuscript.
Although in the starting up process the peer review process is not anonymously.

Publication Frequency

(At least) once a year. First issue: Autumn 2015

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Submission Categories

The journal publishes scientific articles: theoretical overviews, practice based research articles, fundamental research articles, book reviews, comments of experts and conference reports ans many other interesting features.


Full-length manuscripts on research, theory, reviews of the literature, or practice-based activities. The topics are focused or related to dialogical communicative processes in a broad sense of the word, with people with deafblindness or with people with other communicative disabilities. All articles are peer reviewed.
Length: 3000-7000 words

Research report
A shorter format for presenting research results. Research reports are peer reviewed.
Length: 1000-3000 words

Practice report
Authors provide information that will be usefull for professionals in practice. They include data or systematic explorations of an issue or question to implication for practice. Practice reports are peer reviewed.
Length: 1000-3000 words


Good practice
People from the field write a column about their experiences or their examples of best practices. Columns on good practice are not peer reviewed.
Length: 100-500 words

Good leadership
Managers in the field write a column about their experiences. What are new developments or innovations? How do managers deal with new developments? Columns on good leadership are not peer reviewed.
Length: 100-500 words

Visiting colleagues
People who have visited an institution write a column about the practices in the institution. Columns on visiting colleagues are not peer reviewed.
Length: 100-500 words

Conference reports
A conference attendee writes a description of a presentation or a workshop given at a conference. The content of this report is only focused on the topic of this journal: communicative processes. Conference reports are not peer reviewed.
Length: 100-500 words.

Book reviews
An evaluation of a recent book that assesses its value for JDBSC readers. Book reviews are not peer reviewed.
Length: 100-500 words

Commentaries on articles
A commentary on the articles written in this Journal of Deafblind Studies on Communication. Commentaries are not peer reviewed.
Length: 100–500 words

Interviews with scientists and practitioners on the topic communication and deafblindness. Reports of interviews are not peer reviewed.
Length: 100–500 words

Reports, tidings and commentaries on actual events with regard to communication and deafblindness. Reports are not peer reviewed.
Length: 100-500 words

Conflict of interest, Human Subjects and Informed Consent

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest exists when professional judgement concerning a primary interest (such as research subject’s welfare or the validity of research) may be influenced by another secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal rivalry). Conflicts of interest do not necessarily preclude publication, readers are entitled to know that such interests exist, and the editors must be aware of their existence. Therefore authors are required to provide disclosure of financial interests or other potential conflicts. It is the responsibility of the first author of a submitted manuscript to communicate to the journal any author’s possible conflict of interest at the time of submission.

Human Subjects and Informed Consent

If human subjects were involved in a study, the authors must confirm that the research followed the tenets of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki on Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (available at https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/>). A statement in the Methods section of the submitted article should explicitly state the name and location of the approving ethics committee (institutional review board) that informed consent was obtained from the subjects.

Submission Information

Manuscripts may be submitted at any time of the year online.

Submission Contact Information

Online submission of manuscripts for peer review should be sent to the Editor in Chief 
Prof. dr. Marleen J. Janssen: email

Features and commentaries should be sent to the Editor in Chief
Prof. dr. Marleen J. Janssen: email 

Advertisements should be sent to Editor in Chief